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Operating System 2.0 – A Construction Industry Manifesto

Last week, Stephen Mulva and CII unveiled a draft Manifesto, which you can read in full below, calling for transformational change in our industry. Continuum Advisory Group has been a proud partner in this effort, coordinating workshops throughout the country that have provided input for this Manifesto. Our industry is facing disruption. We will either do it to ourselves, or it will be done to us. We applaud this bold thinking.

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Cheap Imported Solar Panels and Modules Have Harmed Domestic Panel Manufacturers Says USITC

The recent decision by the United States International Trade Commission, in which the commission found that cheap imported solar panels and modules have harmed domestic panel manufacturers, is creating a good deal of uncertainty about the future of the solar market in the US.  Our team at Continuum Advisory Group completed some research on the Utility Scale Solar business this summer for a client.  Despite a recent slowdown in Utility Scale Solar projects in 2017, there is a large amount of work in the pipeline.  As shown in this data from the Solar Energy Industries Association, the current pipeline of Utility Scale Solar is greater than the current amount of Utility Scale Solar installed.

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Introduction to Continuum Advisory Group’s Lean/ITP Series

Two of Continuum Advisory Group’s Senior Consultants, Nate Scott and Kelcey Henderson, just returned from an 11 day trip to India.  Outside of it being a wild, unique adventure for both, full of many cows and heart-pounding traffic experiences, there was excellent progress made with one of Continuum Advisory Group’s global, multi-billion dollar clients. The challenge for Nate and Kelcey? Introduce Continuum Advisory Group’s proprietary Integrated Team Performance (ITP) processing addition to various Lean tactics, to a multicultural Indian-based construction team responsible for the construction of a large manufacturing facility.

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2017 CURT Owners Study: Defining Project Excellence

This year’s CURT (Construction Users Roundtable) national conference was centered around a simple idea: excellence in total project performance. But like any great idea, bringing it to life can be far from simple.

Our annual owners study seeks to outline the path and figure out how great owners have already made progress. This year’s study explores the key ingredients of project excellence and how to bring it to life.

We start with a core question: what is project excellence?

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2017 CURT Owner Trends Study | Study Results

The 2017 Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) Owner Trends Study - a collaboration between CURT and Continuum Advisory Group – focuses on excellence in total project performance in the capital construction industry. In this video, Gretchen Gagel goes over the study results. Data…

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E/C/F and A/E/C Competition: Benchmarking

The purpose of owner E/C/F (Engineering, Construction, and Facilities) teams may seem obvious: build stuff so that business happens. You wouldn’t be wrong, in the same way that a computer’s purpose is to “do math fast.”

The strategic benefits of that team can be harder to identify. Continuum Advisory Group recently completed a study to uncover these benefits and interview people changing the relationship between E/C/F and the internal clients they serve. Above all, we want to show others how.

In our new blog series, we’ll be exploring the results of the study in greater depth. Each blog is focused on one of the eight identified themes from our interviews with 35 diverse corporations.

In our previous installment, we talked about how to benchmark, especially against external competitors. Today for our final installment, we’ll talk about another external source you should lean on: your architecture, engineering, and construction providers (A/E/C.)

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