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Order Takers or Value Creators? | Engineering, Construction, and Facilities Study

Order Takers or Value Creators? Your Engineering, Construction, and Facilities (E/C/F) Department

Your facility is sort of like a favorite jacket. You wear it every day, so often that you forget it’s there. You walk through rain and wind, fixed on your phone or a friend or whatever else, and it’s your silent protector from the elements.

But then there’s a hole in it. Suddenly, you pay attention.

Your E/C/F department, when it’s functioning properly, may seem like it’s barely there at all. But imagine if that department played a more active, strategic role in your company. Imagine if you extracted all of its potential. Imagine if they stopped just taking orders and started sitting in your executive team meetings creating value for your company and shareholders. What could happen?

That proposition is the subject of a new, joint study between Continuum Advisory Group and the Construction Industry Institute (CII).

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Order Takers or Value Creators?

While those embedded in corporate engineering, construction and facilities (E/C/F) teams have long understood the value they create for the corporate bottom line, internal business customers may not realize the vital role these teams could play in enabling corporate success. The role served by corporate E/C/F teams is becoming increasingly critical to the success and survival of the corporation. The Construction Industry Institute (CII) and Continuum Advisory Group joined forces to better understand the relationship between the internal E/C/F departments and the overall corporate strategic plan.

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Decision Making for Homebuilders | Deadlines that Matter (Video 3 of 3)

In the homebuilding industry, there is an unfortunate phenomenon in the 4th quarter. It is an intense time when up to 60% of units are closed in just a few months. Partners are pushed to their limits, employees work long hours, and your entire team goes into the holidays drained.

At Continuum Advisory Group, we call this phenomenon the 4th Quarter Fire Drill. It is a natural consequence of bad habits. Like any bad habits, these can be unlearned and prevented.

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Trade Shortage Speech at Greater Orlando Builder Association

On Tuesday, June 28th, Brandon Hart (Senior Consultant) and Clark Ellis (Principal) of Continuum Advisory Group spoke to members of the Greater Orlando Builder Association on one of the industry’s hottest topics: the trade shortage.  The repercussions of the recession are still looming, and homebuilders across the country are being forced to consider the impact that constrained trade capacity may have on their long term business planning.

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Continuum Advisory Group Releases 2016 CURT Owner Trends Study

Continuum Advisory Group Releases 2016 CURT Owner Trends Study:

Insights to Leading an Agile Capital Program

Continuum Advisory Group has released the 2016 Construction Users Roundtable (CURT) Owner Trends Study, the newest installment of their Owner Trends series.

The study – a collaboration between both organizations – focuses on organizational agility in the capital construction industry. Organizational agility is a measure of a company’s ability to rapidly adapt to a changing market, either proactively or reactively.

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Coming Soon: The 2016 Continuum Advisory Group Owner Trends Study

Imagine you’re out on the ocean at the helm of a sail boat.

It’s dark, late at night, and the stars are hidden by the clouds. In the precious light you have, you glance down at a damp map…only to find it has changed. Look up, and somehow the stars seem different too, as if they’ve moved. The rules have changed just as you were figuring them out.

You grip the wheel again, but who is manning the sails? Who is bailing out the water? Can you count on them?

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Support the Working Mom in Your Family

The stay-at-home mom is becoming increasingly rare. According to the US Department of Labor, over 60% of women with children under three hold down a job. This is compared to just over 30% in 1976!

As traditional gender roles disappear, mothers may find it difficult to balance the mom they want to be with the career they’ve earned.

Continuum Advisory Group President Gretchen Gagel recently wrote a book about that very struggle, 8 Steps to Being a Great Working Mom.

But what about men? How can we help the women in our life find their balance? If you’re a woman’s ally, here are some of the steps most applicable to you.

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